ACEA DATA COMMUNITY WORKSHOP – Exploring the potential of Machine Learning through the development of technical skills using Python

On Tuesday, July 28th, 2020, we concluded a two-day workshop, in partnership with Peekaboo Startup Community, is aimed at investigating the approaches used for the development of a defined Machine Learning process and the application of the latter through the use of Python.

The recipients of the workshop were all members of Acea Data Community, an internal faction of AceaGruppo created to promote and take part in agile training relating to various issues bound to the world of Big Data and Machine Learning.

During the two days of the workshop, the participants had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and capabilities in topics related to Machine Learning and AI, and then delve in detail regarding the mechanisms that regulate the functioning of a Random Forest algorithm, and finally to actively apply the concepts learned throughout the workshop.

The agenda for the workshop, which saw our colleagues from DMBI Consultants as mentors: Danilo Del Vescovo, Francesca Giannella, Andrea Fiore and Flavia M. Mauro, was divided into two parts. In the first part, carried out in the presence of the whole ACEA Data team, the theoretical portion was thoroughly covered. The second part was dedicated to an performing a group-based exercise, where the participants were divided into web-rooms and were able to apply what they had previously learned by carrying out exercises in the Python programming language, loaded on the DataCamp e-learning platform.

The synergistic and collaborative work between the various team members involved in the workshop, both as users and as organizers, made it possible to create an invigorating exercise of sharing and building, aimed at directing the available resources and competencies of the participants towards the creation of an increasingly #datadriven and innovative company.

Author: Francesca Giannella | Senior Data Scientist DMBI Photo by Chris Montgomery  on Unsplash.

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