Rocket launch your career

In the digital age, data has emerged as the new, valuable currency for businesses. To extract maximum value from this data and transform it into actionable insights, possessing the right skills in Business Intelligence (BI) and Machine Learning (ML) is crucial.



DMBI Academy is your dedicated training center, providing businesses with the knowledge and tools they need to harness the full potential of data. We offer a comprehensive catalog of courses designed for professionals of all levels, from beginners to experts.


Power BI

This course is the perfect springboard for you, whether you are an absolute beginner or already familiar with Power BI. We will take you by the hand on a complete and structured path, which will allow you to create interactive and informative dashboards independently. You will learn by doing, with exercises and real case studies. It is a perfect course for those enterpreneurs who want to expand their skills and become Power BI experts.
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Power BI

From Power BI beginners to experts in no time, having fun!


Text Mining

In today's world, data is the key to success. But most enterprise data is unstructured: email, social media, online reviews, internal documents. Extract valuable knowledge from these goldmines with Text Mining!
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Text Mining

Learn Text Mining techniques to transform text into useful information

Advanced Machine Learning

A deep dive into Deep Learning techniques and their real-world applications

Computer Vision

Delve into the world of Computer Vision with the Deep Learning course: From theory to practical applications

Machine Learning Fundamentals – Master the Essentials to Become a Pro

Unlock the power of AI: Discover what Machine Learning is, how it works, and how you can use it to solve real-world problems.

DMBI consultants

via Candido Galli, 5 – Frascati
00044 – Roma
Fax | Tel +39 06 9422 421
Part. IVA 09913981008